February 16, 2022
Mammoth Announces Hire Of Retiring USD 345 Superintendent

MERIDEN, KAN.–Mammoth Sports Construction on Wednesday announced retiring Seaman School superintendent Dr. Steve Noble will join its team as Director of Business Development on July 1.
Noble will bring more than 30 years of experience as a Kansas educator and coach to Mammoth, having spent the last six years at Seaman before announcing his retirement February 3.
“Steve’s experience as a teacher, coach, principal, and superintendent is a perfect fit for Mammoth and we’re thrilled to have him on the team to keep serving communities and students in a new way,” said Mammoth President Jake Farrant.
Noble and his family will remain in the Topeka area for a year while his daughter completes her senior year at Seaman. They will then move to the Wichita area where he will make connections with superintendents and boards across the state.
Noble said the new position connects his passions for sports, athletics, and activities together with relationships and networking. As Seaman superintendent, he developed a strategic plan that encourages students to participate in two or more school activities, including sports.
“Athletics is one of the best at-risk programs I’ve come across,” Noble said. “It’s effective at teaching life skills, competition, the importance of being part of a team, working hard, and overcoming challenges.”
Noble is heavily involved in the educational community in Kansas and around the country, having been a member of the Kansas Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association, Kansas Principals Association, and on the Board of Directors at the Kansas School Superintendents Association. He currently serves as President of the United School Administrators of Kansas.
He is a graduate of Pitt State University, where he played football for two years after playing two years at Dodge City Community College. He earned his master’s in educational administration from Eastern Illinois University. He earned his Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), in Educational Leadership from Wichita State University.
He taught middle and high school industrial technology in Rose Hill, Great Bend, and Osceola, MO. He held a variety of administrative roles in Haven USD 312 that included athletic/activities director, assistant principal, principal, and director of curriculum and instruction.
Prior to becoming the Superintendent at Seaman, Noble served as Superintendent of Schools at USD 410 in Hillsboro, Kan. Throughout his positions in education, Noble has prioritized relationships and the value athletics bring to communities.
“Athletic programs are like the front porch program for any school district and community,” Noble said. “It's what people see. It energizes a community and a district.”
Noble said as Seaman superintendent, he enjoyed working with Mammoth on various projects such as a turf soccer facility, down to smaller upgrades like installation of handrails.
“When we did the soccer field project, Mammoth was very helpful in getting that campaign off the ground and wrapping our heads around how to make it happen with the support of donors and school district money,” Noble said. “I’m thrilled for the opportunity to keep serving schools across Kansas in a new way.”