February 28, 2025
Strong Foundation. Strong Field.
Without laying the groundwork for fundamentals, a baseball player can’t hope to reach their fullest potential. You need to build on your basics before you can reach that next level. Without a good foundation of skills, there’s no major league. No minor league. No college ball.
The same goes for sports fields.
While the field surface impacts play and its appearance can be a source of pride, it’s what is underneath—the ability to drain water, the layers, the foundation—that determine the field’s lasting quality and continued performance.
Engineering the ground beneath is the first step when building a field. It’s also one of the most important. Without a strong base and proper drainage, even the most beautiful field in the world will be useless. The result could be standing water, collapsing sections and, ultimately, an unplayable field. A sports field needs a solid, well-engineered base to stand up against changing weather (i.e. water) and the constant wear and tear from athletes.
That’s why the Mammoth engineering team is involved from the beginning. We offer engineering and design services to help build the best possible fields. As we engineer for a sports field or facility, we always keep three factors in mind: cost, functionality, and safety.
Cost: Engineering Sites to Maximize Client Budgets
We always start by asking: will this design be practical and within the client's budget? What can I do to lower the costs or engineer the site to maximize savings while meeting all drainage and engineering requirements?
The first thing we look at is earthwork. How will the design fit vertically within the site and how can earthwork be balanced so that we do not have to import/purchase fill material or have to export material from the site? Our site analysis always starts with a geotechnical investigation into the properties of the soil on site. This helps us determine how to treat the soil or determine if it’s even suitable for building.
We then perform a topographic survey to show us the elevations and drainage patterns of the site. We use this information to fit the client's needs so that we can attempt to balance earthwork and continue to meet or exceed all drainage requirements.
The next critical item is stormwater: the enemy of every field. When stormwater is allowed to stand, it can damage a field’s integrity, so it must be encouraged to move. We determine how to grade the site, so the stormwater doesn’t negatively impact existing structures and retain existing drainage patterns. We always keep in mind downstream stormwater concerns to protect neighboring buildings and environments.
Functionality: Making the Most of the Space
ADA requirements are always on our mind as well as general pedestrian flow and access points. We need to determine that fields are accessible to all players and fans. We also determine if the field is perfectly laid out and that all function vs cost ideas have been explored.
Creative solutions can also enhance functionality while managing these costs. For example, a baseball field could include shortening the left field fence distance to reduce field costs but increase the fence height to simulate a further hitting distance.
Safety: Protecting Players and Places
Player and fan safety is of the utmost importance. We locate emergency vehicle access appropriately, ensuring crosswalks are present with adequate lighting and visibility throughout the facility.
Building for Future Hall of Famers
By keeping these factors in mind and establishing what’s underneath the turf is built strong and allows for proper water drainage, we build the foundation onto which your field is built. We can create a space where your athletes can work to master their fundamental skills and reach their highest potential.