Mammoth consultants have worked in small college athletics for decades and understand the personal and professional skills needed to fill key positions. We can help you hire coaches, athletic directors, and all other personnel to fit your program.
Staffing Consultants Improve Candidate Pools
8 of 10 candidates
Submitted by Mammoth would not have applied for the position on their own.
Over 500 searches completed
We specialize in small college athletic searches.
Find the Right Fit
Great leaders motivate a team, build a program, and inspire a community. Hiring a leader is one of the most important decisions your organization will make. Using a staff search consultant brings reassuring experience to the process.
Better Evaluation Of Candidates
A third-party consultant can make inquiries that universities or organizations may not be able to.
Save Time
A consultant can do the heavy lifting of the hiring process, leaving you and your search committee time to remain focused on their own initiatives.
Scope of Services

We meet with leadership to determine desired skills and qualities in the new hire. Then draft a job announcement and post it on appropriate channels.2
We call qualified prospects to make the job known. Then vet candidates, conduct reference checks, prepare interview questions, and schedule screening.3
Finalist Selection
If desired, we will negotiate an offer for the lead candidate and notify those candidates not chosen.